Nélida Samara Art

Ezkoktin Tlalli (2023)

As an undergraduate at Wesleyan University, Nélida Samara developed Ezkoktin Tlalli (2023), a year’s worth reflection of her personal viewpoint through diaspora as a first-generation Mexican artist. The complex layers of disconnect to homeland and tradition can be felt through the often visceral yet vacant emotional landscapes within the imagery that conjure a sense of wander and wonder. Samara’s camera becomes the medium, literally and spiritually, through which they can reflect upon their experience.  See More 

look at the water, see how she’s come for us (2022)

This project “look at the water, see how she’s come for us” is a personal navigation through the turbulance of grief. The internal suffocation, the shatter, the breaks, and dissolution are made visual through 35mm analogue film. See More

Cyanotype Meditations (2023)

Cyanotype Meditations is an ongoing project birthed through Samara’s passion for alternative printing methods and and the desire to physically create photographs even without access to a darkroom. See More