Nélida Samara Art

Snow Raven (Haar Suor) ~ Light Paintings

Snow Raven (Haar Suor) and I co-create with light to explore fiction within reality.
All images are captured in one frame utilizing a multiple flash technique.

The ethereal reality of light is exposed in these digital photographs. 

About Snow Raven (Haar Suor):

Snow Raven (Haar Suor) is a shaman, a mystic, from one of the most cold and remote places on Earth, Yakutia, otherwise known as the republic of Sakha. She is a traditional and contemporary vocalist and a channel for the sounds of Earth. From her high pitched bird sounds to the deep rumble of reindeer throat singing, the vibrations that flow through Snow Raven have the ability to move energy throughout the cells of our bodies. She has a striking and graceful presence and a passion filled with purpose. Her art is infused with a deep desire for the healing of our Earth mother. For the awakening of care and awareness amongst humanity– a shift in the paradigm towards a way of living that is harmonious and in reciprocity. It was an honor and a pleasure to create these photographs with her.

Light Paintings
digital photographs
one frame, multiple flash technique

©2024 Nélida Samara all rights reserved.
For inquiries contact nelidasamaracreates@gmail.com